
由AGarg著作·2023·被引用5次—Theseamcarvingtechniquedemandshighcomputationaltimetoeliminateoptimalseamsinsuccessivemanner.Therefore,animprovedseamcarving ...,2019年5月14日—Thetechniquefirstidentifies“low-energy”areasoftheimagethatarelessinteresting,thenfindsthelowest-energy“seams”thatweave ...,Seamcarving(orliquidrescaling)isanalgorithmforcontent-awareimageresizing,developedbyShaiAvidan,ofMitsub...

Analysis of seam carving technique

由 A Garg 著作 · 2023 · 被引用 5 次 — The seam carving technique demands high computational time to eliminate optimal seams in successive manner. Therefore, an improved seam carving ...

Real-world dynamic programming

2019年5月14日 — The technique first identifies “low-energy” areas of the image that are less interesting, then finds the lowest-energy “seams” that weave ...

Seam carving

Seam carving (or liquid rescaling) is an algorithm for content-aware image resizing, developed by Shai Avidan, of Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories ...

Seam Carving

Seam-carving is a content-aware image resizing technique where the image is reduced in size by one pixel of height (or width) at a time. A vertical seam in an ...

Seam Carving Algorithm

2020年9月15日 — Seam Carving does a seemingly impossible task of resizing an image without cropping it or distorting its contents with ease.

複雜背景下的細縫裁減系統= Seam Carving for ...

由 高振祐 著作 · 2012 — Recently, content-aware image retargeting method proposed by Avidan and Shamir called “Seam Carving” has good results. ... In this study, we would like to improve ...